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    About Us

    IslamicKnock is a website intended to advance the watchers' information and energy about Islam. Its point is to give the survey group considerable information about Islam, especially the non-Muslim who may require elucidation of basic bends of the media and distortions of badly educated supporters.

    The reason for this site is to expand the attention to Muslims and non-Muslims alike about the mission of Islam to caution humanity of God's discipline and to give the uplifting news of their salvation in Islam. Islam is an uncovered religion and a lifestyle that tends to all parts of the human condition.

    Generally speaking, IslamicKnock receives adjusted and direct perspectives, without inclination and radicalism. It is intended to address the interests of a wide group of onlookers - easygoing watchers, new changes over to Islam, and Muslims of long standing.

    At IslamicKnock each exertion is made to be as far reaching as would be prudent and to envelop all parts of Islam: 'Aqeedah (Islamic Belief), Quranic Issues, Hadeeth (Traditions of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah commend his say ) Fiqh (Jurisprudence), Seerah (Prophet Muhammad's Noble Biography), normal behavior of calling to Islam, interesting cases of Islamic perfect lead, stories of new changes over to Islam, among numerous different issues.

    At long last, may Allaah allow accomplishment to this mission and help make this work earnestly for His purpose alone. "Furthermore, my direction can't come with the exception of from Allaah, in Him I trust and unto Him I apologize." [Quran 11:88]