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    What are the Conflicts Behind Religions

    For centuries, there have been active major conflicts of a religious, theological and/or ethical nature in North America and in the rest of the world. We refer to these as "very hot topics" -- debates that have generated enormous conflict and division within cultures, and continue to do so today. These have occurred:

    Within various faith groups, where they often lead to denominational schisms. That is why there are about 35,000 Christian denominations in the world rather than one.

    Among various faith groups, often between theologically conservative and progressive denominations within the same religion.

    Among religions, Between various faith groups and secularists, and Between various faith groups and other groups in society -- typically sexual minorities like the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Transsexual community (LGBT).

    Examples of past conflicts were:
    Slavery vs. abolition: whether some people should be able to own and consider other people as property.
    Status of women: whether women should be allowed to own property, to enter professions, etc.
    Universal sufferage: whether women should be allowed to vote.

    Whether women should be allowed to be ordained as clergy. This topic is still being debated today as the two largest faith groups in the U.S. -- the Roman Catholic Church and Southern Baptist Convention -- remain profoundly opposed to allowing women to attain positions of power and authority.

    After studying past conflicts that have been partly or completely resolved we have noted that:

    Resolution of these conflicts seem to be accellerating: 
    • Slavery took centuries -- and in the case of the United States, a major war -- to abolish. 
    • Debate over the existence of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) was largely resolved in about two decades (from 1980 to 2000). 
    • Same-sex marriage may well be settled -- at least from a legal standpoint -- in less than two decades (from 2004 to 2020).

    When conflicts are eventually resolved, it always seems to be in favor of greater equality and greater human rights for more people.

    In most cases, when a group that is discriminated against is able to organize and fight to attain equality, they eventually win.

    At least in recent decades, faith groups that oppose equality and human rights are experiencing a major loss in active membership, particularly among youths and young adults.

    Currently, most of the conflicts in North America are sexually related, in that they involve gender, sexual orientation, and/or sexual identity.

    Since about 75% of Americans and Canadians identify themselves as Christians, this section will mainly deal with the conflicts between some Christian sources and other elements in society. Please be aware that we follow a very inclusive definition of the term "Christian." On this website, a Christian is any group or individual who sincerely, devoutly, thoughtfully considers themselves to be Christian. Thus, Christian denominations include a great range of faith groups, from the Southern Baptists to Mormons, from the Roman Catholic Church to Jehovah's Witnesses, from the Christian Scientists to progressive Christianity.

    Source: http://www.religionfacts.com