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    Salah in Islam and Importance of Salah

    Allah says, “Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who during their prayer are humbly submissive.” (23: 1-2)
    Do you sometimes feel that your Salah (prayer) is not quite having the effect it is supposed to have on you and your life? Have you ever considered that perhaps it is because we are not giving it its due justice? It seems we have lost (or were never taught) that ability to *Connect* in Salah that makes all the difference in its effect on us.

    “All humans are dead except those who have knowledge; and all those who have knowledge are asleep except those who do good deeds; and those who do good deeds are deceived; except those who are sincere are always in a state of worry” ~Imam Shafi 

    We are all aware as Muslims the importance of Salah in our everyday lives. We read our prayers, sometimes with a sense of duty, as an obligation to be fulfilled.

    But Salah can be a source of spiritual upliftment for us, if we view it in the right manner, with correct perspective. It is a method of direct contact for us with Allah, our Creator. It can become something very personal. Salah can transport us to unimaginable heights in communion with Allah as nothing else ever can. A proper approach to Salah can help us attain contentment and peace of mind, very necessary for us to maintain our sense of balance in the world we live in today.

    Importance of Salah:

    Establishing Salah Develops Taqwa (Fear and Awareness of Allah)
     “This is the Book in which there is no doubt, a guidance for those who have Taqwa; who believe in the unseen, and who establish Salah, and spend out of what we have provided for them” (Surah Baqarah 2: 2-3)

    Salah Is the Sign of a Believer.
    “The believers, men and women, are protecting friends of one another; they enjoin good and forbid evil, and they establish Salah, and give Zakah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah will have His Mercy on them, and surely, Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.”  (Surah Tawba 9: 71)

    Establishing Salah Leads to Allah’s Eternal Blessings
    “So whatever you have been given is but (a passing) enjoyment for this worldly life, but that which is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and put their trust in their Lord. And those who avoid the great sins and lewdness, and when they are angry, they forgive. And those who answer the Call of their Lord, and perform the Salaah, and who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and who spend of what We have bestowed on them.” (Surah Ash-Shura 42:36-38)

    Those Who Pray Shall Have Nothing to Fear on the Day of Judgment.
    “Truly, those who believe and do righteous deeds, and perform Salaah, and give Zakaah, they will have their reward with their Lord. On them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” (Surah Baqarah 2:277)

    Remain in Allah’s remembrance after prayer.
    “When have finished performing the Salah, remember Allah standing, sitting, and reclining, but when you are free from danger, perform the Salaah. Surely, Salaah is enjoined on the believers at fixed times.” (Surah Nisaa 4:103)

    Command to Pray with Congregation.
    “And establish Salah and give Zakaah, and bow down (in worship) along with those who bow down (in worship)” (Surah Baqarah 2:43)

    Special Command Regarding Punctuality of Prayer.
    “Guard strictly the Salaah, especially the middle Salaah. And stand before Allah with obedience.”  (Surah Baqarah 2:238)

    Allah’s Help Comes Through Salaah.
    • “Seek help through patience and Salaah; truly it is extremely difficult except for the humble true believers.”(Surah Baqarah 2:45)
    • “Oh you who believe! Seek help through patience and Salaah. Truly, Allah is with those who are patient.” (Surah Baqarah 2:153)
    Special Emphasis on Friday Prayer.
    “Oh you who believe! When the call is made for the Salaah on Friday, come to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business. That is better for you, if you only knew! And when the Salaah has ended, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah, and remember Allah much so that you may be successful.”(Surah Jumuah 62:09-10)

    Shaytaan Tries His Best in Finding Ways to Take You Away from Salaah
    “Shaytaan desires only to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah, and from Salaah. So will you then not abstain (from these evils)?” (Surah Maeda 5:91)

    Prayer Protects Against Evils.
    “Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book, and perform Salaah. Verily, Salaah prevents from lewdness and evils. And indeed, the remembrance of Allah (by you) is greatest. And  Allah knows what you do.” (Surah Ankaboot 29:45)

    Friendship Should Be with Those Who Pray.
    “Indeed, your protecting friend (Wali) is none other than Allah, His Messenger, and the Believers who establish Salah, and give Zakaath, and bow down (in prayer). (Surah Maeda 5: 55)

    Allah’s Special Order to Women.
    “And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance, and perform Salaah, and give Zakaah, and obey Allah and His Messenger. Allah wishes only to remove uncleanness from you, Oh people of the House, and to purify you with a thorough purification.” (Surah Ahzaab 33:33)

    Hypocrites Are Lazy in Salaah.
    “Verily, the hypocrites seek to deceive Allah, but it is He who deceives them; When they stand up for Salaah, they stand with laziness, only to be seen by men; and they do not remember Allah but a little.” (Surah Nisaa 4:142)

    Laziness in Salaah Leads to Rejection of Sadaqah.

    “And nothing prevents their Sadaqah from being accepted from them, except that they disbelieve in Allah and in His Messenger, and that they do not come to Salaah except in a lazy manner, and that they do not give Sadaqah except unwillingly.” (Surah Tawbah 9:54)

    Leaving Salaah Leads to Shirk.
    “(And remain always) turning to Him (only), and be fearful and dutiful towards Him, and perform Salaah and be not of those who commit Shirk.”  (Surah Room 30: 31)

    Previous Nations Were corrupted when Salaah Was Left.
    “Then, there came after them a generation who gave up Salaah and followed lusts; so they will be thrown in Hell.” (Surah Maryam 19: 59)