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    Some Facts Behind Religious Views

    Faith groups' beliefs different topics:

    There is essentially no consensus among religions on any factor related to:

    • religious belief, ritual, organization 
    • family structure 
    • personal sexual behavior 

    Some examples (in alphabetic order) are:

    • Abortion: allowed, prohibited, allowed under some circumstances 
    • Adult celibacy: encouraged, accepted, discouraged 
    • Afterlife: unknown, heaven/hell, purgatory, limbo, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, nirvana. 
    • Animal sacrifices: common, rare, prohibited 
    • Appearance: no real rules, beard, shave, no makeup, no jewelry 
    • Artificial birth control: forbidden, ignored, encouraged 
    • Calendars: Gregorian (secular calendar), Julian, various moon or sun-based calendars 
    • Clergy celibacy: required, optional, discouraged 
    • Clergy gender: male only, female only, either 
    • Clergy present: yes, no 
    • Days for rituals: daily, Saturday, Sunday, special days, full moons, new moons, equinoxes, solstices... 
    • Documentation: oral tradition, written tradition, combination 
    • Family organization: male has power; power shared 
    • Family types: nuclear, extended, polygamous, intentional community 
    • Gender of deities: all male, all female, both genders, no gender 
    • Homosexual orientation: eligible/not eligible for membership & clergy; eligible/not eligible for union ceremonies; disordered, sinful, morally neutral. 
    • Meeting place: church, synagogue, mosque, temple, outside in nature, room 
    • Nature of deities: permeates universe, remote, intimate, within 
    • Nature of humanity: inherently sinful; naturally good 
    • New Year: Jan 1, Jan 14, Spring Equinox, May 18, Sep 14, Nov. 1... 
    • Number of deities: 0,1,2, trinity, many 
    • Origin of the universe: belief in Evolution, belief in a creation story 
    • Prayer: encouraged, non-existent; at defined times of the day, while alone, while in groups 
    • Premarital sex: encouraged, forbidden, tolerated 
    • Religious calendar: lunar, solar, mixed 
    • Role of women: equal, restricted, superior 
    • Sacred texts: inerrant, contain mistakes and ignorable items, none (oral tradition) 
    • Surgical modifications: none allowed, circumcision of males, female genital mutilation
    • Special clothing: kirpan, turban, temple undergarments, yarmulke, tallith, tefillin, phylacteries, hijab, rosary, tasbih, takiyah... 
    • Symbols: cross, crucifix, fish, 5 pointed star, 6 pointed star, 8 spoked wheel, crescent, goat head...

    Source: http://www.religionfacts.com